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Classes: by Trainer
Canine Training Center
Arrow Dog Training
Tao of the Hound
All The Dog Things
Pals Academy
Hidden Potential Farms
Pup Potential
Pawsitive Dog Training
Shyne Dog Training
Seminars and Workshops
Classes: by Topic
BAT: Behavior Advancement Training
Canine Good Citizen
Clicker Training
Cooperative Care
Dog Parkour™
Nose Work
Reactive, Fearful, or Shy Dogs
Therapy Dog
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1161 E. Clark Rd
Suite 262
Dewitt, MI 48820
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Training Survey
Training Survey
Email Address:
Which AnnaBelle's trainer(s) are you taking a class with in the upcoming term?
(I understand that completing this survey before registering for a class does not hold a place in class for me).
I'm not sure which class is right for me. Please contact me!
Carol Hein-Creger/Canine Training Center
Dawn Archer/Arrow Dog Training
Karen Ryder/Tao of the Hound
Maegan Payne/All The Dog Things
Dagny Kaspar/Pals Academy
Kim Mayhew/HiddenPotential Farms
Marie Meredith/Pup Potential
Sara Alguire/Click!Pawsitive Dog Training
Sheyenne Ridenour/Shyne Dog Training
What is the name, day, and time of your class for the upcoming term?
Street address (including city and zip code):
Telephone number (including area code):
Daytime telephone number is for:
Full name of alternate emergency contact (other than you):
Telephone number for alternate emergency contact:
Name of your veterinary clinic:
Telephone number of your veterinary clinic:
Handler's first and last name (if different from pet parent):
Handler’s age (if minor):
Dog's name(s):
Dog's breed(s):
Dog's age(s):
Dog's gender:
Is your dog spayed or neutered:
Does your dog have Food Allergies (please specify):
Does your dog have Outdoor Allergies (please specify):
Is your dog hearing impaired:
Is your dog vision impaired:
Does your dog have a physical impairment (please describe):
Does your dog have any other special needs (please describe):
Please describe any formal training that you have done with your dog, including the name of the trainer or training method and whether you feel that the training was successful for you and your dog:
What methods have you used at home to address behavior issues:
Does your dog have any behavior issues that are of concern to you?
Excessive barking
Jumping on people
Fearful, anxious, or reactive around people or children
Fearful, anxious, or reactive around other dogs/animals
Destructive behavior
Separation anxiety
Possessive/guarding of furniture or rooms
Possessive/guarding of food or toys
Afraid of loud noises
Pulling on leash
Other (please describe):
Is your dog crate trained:
How long is your dog crated each day:
Are you experiencing any specific problems or unique challenges with your dog? If so, please explain:
Why are you taking this class (check all that apply):
Build a better relationship with my dog
Better obedience/manners
Have fun with my dog
Become a better trainer
Prepare for CGC (Canine Good Citizen) Certificate
Learn to correct behavior problems
Socialization for my dog
Prepare my dog to compete in a dog sport/competition
Give my dog something to do
Conformation competition
Of the following, which skills are most important to you. Check all that apply:
Come when called
Loose leash walking
Calm greetings
Focus in the midst of distractions
Control off leash
Do you have any special needs (e.g. walking or lifting restrictions):
What do you like best about your dog:
What 3 things do you wish your dog wouldn't do:
How long have you had your dog:
Where did you get your dog:
What will motivate you to attend class each week:
How did you find out about AnnaBelle's Pet Station and this particular class?
Referred by veterinarian
Read AnnaBelle's flyer
Google search
Other internet search engine
Attended dog-related event
Why did you select AnnaBelle's for your training needs:
I understand that bringing my pet into contact with other dogs and people poses certain risks, including the risk of contracting disease or injury. On behalf of myself, any member of my household, and/or my dog, I assume all risks associated with participating in activities at AnnaBelle's Pet Station.
I agree to allow AnnaBelle's staff and trainers take photographs and videos me, my dog(s), and anyone accompanying me during classes and to use the images for all purposes, including on promotional materials and on the facebook pages and websites of AnnaBelle's and our various trainers, without compensation or further notice.
I agree that AnnaBelle's Pet Station, Canine Training Center, Arrow Dog Training, Tao of the Hound, All the Dog Things, Pals Academy, Hidden Potential Farms, Pup Potential, Click!Pawsitive Dog Training, and Shyne Dog Training or their respective employees and agents are not responsible for any damages that might arise from participating in activities at AnnaBelle's Pet Station, including, but not limited to, damages arising from personal injury, veterinary bills, loss of personal property, emotional distress, or any other damages that I, my dog, member of my household or guest that I invite may suffer. I will take complete responsibility for my dog's actions. I certify that I am at least 18 years of age and that I do not have a legal guardian.
If you agree with the above, please type your name in the space provided below:
All day care and grooming dogs are inspected on arrival at AnnaBelle's and departure. If we note anything unusual, including the presence of fleas or flea eggs, scratches or other abrasions, we will advise you. If a dog has fleas, the dog must receive treatment and cannot be allowed in day care or return for grooming for one week from the last time fleas or eggs were found in the dog's coat.
AnnaBelle's does not require, but highly recommends, that your pet be on a flea preventative medication. We recommend that you read the following article regarding the
types of flea preventatives available and how they work
. There are many myths and misunderstandings regarding fleas and how pets get exposed to fleas. You should also be aware that fleas present a SERIOUS risk of harm to the health of your pet. We recommend reading the following article regarding
flea myths and risks
Be aware that some flea preventatives do not kill adult fleas and that your dog can be exposed to fleas virtually anywhere. We strongly urge you to discuss the risks presented by fleas with your veterinarian and the various options available to prevent fleas.
Please certify EITHER that your pet is on a monthly flea preventative medication OR that you have discussed this issue with your veterinarian and have opted to forego placing your pet on a monthly flea preventative
My pet is on a monthly flea preventative medication (flea collars or flea baths are not considered acceptable monthly flea preventative medications)
I have discussed flea preventative medication with my veterinarian and have opted to forego placing my pet on flea preventative. I understand that by allowing my pet to come into contact with other animals at AnnaBelle's, I risk possible exposure of my pet to fleas. I understand that AnnaBelle's is not responsible for any veterinary or other costs associated with any flea infestation of my pet.
Bordetella (canine cough) vaccination is also required, unless you present a written/signed waiver from your veterinarian. Please confirm that your dog's Bordetella vaccination is up-to-date. (Please note: Bordetella vaccinations do not prevent all canine cough infections. For more information about Bordetella, its transmission, along with signs and symptoms, treatments, and other useful information, please visit
The Pet Health Library
. We also encourage you to discuss Bordetella/canine cough with your veterinarian.):
Please Select
I agree
I disagree
I will provide current vaccination records (and/or a Bordetella vaccination waiver from my veterinarian) before or at the first training class. Please note: you or your veterinarian may email them to us at
Please Select
I agree
I disagree
For all classes, your dog will need a 6 foot nylon/leather/rubberized/grip-type leash and a regular flat collar/martingale collar or harness. No retractable/chain leashes, or prong/choke/e-collars please! Please bring yummy treats like chicken, cheese, or hot dogs for your dog too!
I understand that completing this survey before registering for a class does not hold a place in class for me. If you know what class you want to sign up for but need help enrolling in a class call us at 517.599.0995. Type "I Agree":
*Due to high demand, AnnaBelle's does not offer refunds on classes after the class has started* Type "I AGREE":
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